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Check-in for Attendees and Admins

By Ngage.ai Support
October 23, 2023

Check-In Guide Introduction

This document delineates the updated check-in process, offering a comprehensive view of the new functionalities introduced to optimize user experience. With these enhancements, admins can now ascertain the registration status with greater clarity.

Prerequisites - Ensure you have:

1. Access to the platform hosting the check-in.

2. Your registration email is ready.

 Step-by-Step Guide

1. Accessing the Check-In Page:

   - Navigate to the platform using the provided URL for registration.

2. Enter Your Email:

   - Upon reaching the check-in page, locate the email input field.

   - Input the email address you used for event registration.

3. Verify Registration:

   - Post email entry, select the "Check Registration" button.

   - The system will cross-check if the entered email correlates with a registered event attendee.

4. Understanding the Registration Codes:

   - Once your email is processed, the system utilizes specific codes to define your registration status:

     - CheckedIn - PreReg: Indicates you pre-registered for the event and have now successfully checked in.

     - CheckedIn - DayOf: Denotes you've registered and checked in on the event day.

   - Depending on the code generated, your user experience may vary, ensuring a tailored journey based on your registration timeline.

5. Results:

   - Registered Users:

     - A modal window confirms your registration.

     - You'll be automatically rerouted to the event's check-in page.

   - Unregistered Users:

     - A notification highlights the absence of your email in the registered attendee list.

     - Options to either register or re-enter your email will be presented.

6. QR Code Usage & Spot Registration :

   - For QR code-based check-ins, the system updates the context value accordingly.

   - Ensure your device camera is functional and has the necessary permissions for the QR code scanner.

- Spot Registration: Attendees can register on the spot using a QR code. The QR code or URL for on-the-spot registration is available in the admin section and follows the format: https://app.webmobi.com/<EventId>/attendee/spotreg.

- If you are already registered, it will show you as checked in. Otherwise, you can register, which will show the status as "CheckedIn - DayOf".

7. Troubleshooting & FAQs:
   - My email returns an error message. What next?

     - Confirm the email entered matches your registration email.

     - Rectify potential typos or unnecessary spaces.

     - For persisting issues, liaise with event organizers.

   - The redirected URL appears faulty.

     - Persisting problems should be reported, sharing the exact URL with the technical team.

   - Issues with QR code scanning?

     - Ensure camera permissions are active.

     - Scan in adequate lighting and ensure the QR code's clarity.

     - Failing the above, manually input your email.


The enhanced check-in process, equipped with new registration codes, ensures a user-centric approach, offering attendees clarity and ease. For technical concerns or additional inquiries, the support team remains at your service.

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